"This inward journey is initiated by meditative practices that intensify as the practitioner becomes preoccupied with the excitement of discovering the natural Light within."


Fire Ritual Training, an ancient ceremonial practice symbolizing wholeness, is available through our 2-part video, which can be downloaded for free from this page.


These clips are provided in both Apple QuickTime Player and Windows Media Player formats. If your computer does not have a current version of either QuickTime or Media Player, click a player logo to download the free player. After downloading QuickTime or Media Player, to view either Part 1 or Part 2 of the Fire Ritual Training Video, you will need to scroll down this page, to the photographs for Parts 1 and 2. Then click the words (either QuickTime or Media Player) under the Part you wish to view and downloading will begin.

   Get Windows Media Player


Once you have initially downloaded and saved either video, for future viewings, just return to your on-line Media Player or Quick-Time and the file will now play without the lengthy downloading time.

DSL or broadband connections are recommended for viewing these web videos, to avoid “skipping” or excessive download times.

Training in the fire ceremony (and its meaning) is available at our Center. For more information, contact us at info@yogamed.org.


“Part 1. Introduction”
– this video presents Mataji's commentary on the significance of the ritual’s components (illustrated with selected slides and video of preparation for, and performance of, the ritual), as well as presenting information on how the practice impacts one’s life, and offering suggested meditations to make viewing the ritual most effective.

“Part 2. The Fire Ritual” – this video shows the actual performance of the complete ritual ceremony (with chanting), and concludes with Mataji's suggested meditations and instructions for deepening one’s awareness. The action stops at several points for meditation practice, and then continues. To see the entire Part 2 video, please continue playing until the light fades at the end.


Part 1

Quicktime or

Windows Media Player
Part 2

Quicktime or

Windows Media Player
NOTE: To prevent Internet Explorer from playing Web media in the Media bar: (small bar on left side of screen)
1. In Internet Explorer, click Media on the toolbar.
2. At the bottom of the Media bar, click Media Options, click Settings, and then click to clear the Play Web media in the bar check box.




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