"This inward journey is initiated by meditative practices that intensify as the practitioner becomes preoccupied with the excitement of discovering the natural Light within."


Training Programs

Classes, Retreats, Seminars, Training Opportunities [CALENDAR]

Over the past 20 years, Kailashananda Mission of America has offered in-depth training to thousands of students in the ancient principles of Self-Knowledge, presented in systematic programs that are very applicable for 21st century life.

These programs include:

Hatha-Yoga Training

  • Classical style emphasizing meditative awareness
  • Scientific health principles applied to the performance of
    • asanas (stretching postures)
    • pranayama (breathing
       awareness and control)
    • deep relaxation
  • Prepares mind and body for meditation practice

Awareness-Meditation Training

  • Begins with formal sitting practice
  • Instruction in Phases 1, 2, 3 and 4
  • Extends Self-knowledge more and more into daily life

Vedanta-Yoga Training

  • Utilizes self-reflection and self-analysis
  • Emphasizes inherent adequacy, transcending a limited self-image
  • Instruction in Raja Yoga concentration techniques
  • Instruction in Vedanta/Tantra Yoga meditation techniques
  • Training in The Fire Ritual (and its meaning) is also available at our Center. For more information, contact us at info@yogamed.org.

Yoga Psychology Training

A course called "Stream of Magic" expands on principles of Mother Light: Reflections of Life taught by its author, Holy Mataji.

  • Provides experiential practices
  • Training in psychology and philosophy of living a Yogi's life

Click here for more information about the Yoga-Vedanta Forest Academy.





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