ANNOUNCEMENTS: A NEW SESSION of YOGA CLASSES STARTS the WEEK OF FEBRUARY 27, 2017. We offer both BEGINNERS YOGA classes and GENERAL YOGA classes (mixed-level); beginners are also welcome to attend our mixed-level classes. New students receive a discount with their first Yoga Class series. Please scroll down this page for details about classes, or email or call us for additional information (859-254-9529) or to reserve space in any of our classes.
We will offer A NEW SESSION of our 5-week introductory MINDFULNESS MEDITATION COURSE, "Mindful Awareness & Kindness Program," starting SUNDAY, MARCH 12 (at 1:30 - 2:30 pm). Please call or email us to reserve space in one of the course.
We will offer NEW SESSIONS of our MINDFUL AWARENESS & KINDNESS PROGRAM FOR SCHOOL TEACHERS, beginning in March. Choose either: Mondays at 7:15-8:00 pm, STARTING MARCH 13; or Wednesdays at 4:45-5:45 pm, STARTING MARCH 15. Both classes will skip the week of spring break. Please call or email us to reserve space in either class.
ANNOUNCING SPECIAL EVENTS IN LEXINGTON SCHOOLS: We will offer presentations on Mindful Awareness & Kindness at Tates Creek Middle School on Feb. 21, and at Jessie Clark Middle School on March 3. Please call or email us for information about our special programs for schools and school teachers.
MEDITATION PRACTICE SESSIONS, SPECIAL CLASSES AND RETREATS: We offer both guided and silent practice sessions designed for those who have completed our introductory Mindfulness In Awareness Course. SHELLEY SMITH offers monthly or bi-monthly YOGA-VEDANTA CLASSES with commentary and meditations on the Bhagavad Gita. The next class will meet on FRIDAY, MARCH 3, at 6:00-7:30 pm. Please contact us for this month's schedule of Sittings.
A NEW SESSION starts the WEEK OF FEBRUARY 27. Choose either TUESDAYS at 6:00 pm, or WEDNESDAYS at 6:00 pm. We offer a NEW-STUDENT DISCOUNT the first time you register for a series of classes. Beginners are also welcome to attend any of our General Yoga classes (Mixed-level). Each class lasts an hour and 10 minutes and features SLOW STRETCH with BREATHING AWARENESS, plus DEEP RELAXATION practice. Please email or call us to register, or for more information about the right class for you.
A NEW SESSION starts the WEEK OF FEBRUARY 27. MORNING CLASSES meet at 10:00 am on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. AFTERNOON CLASSES meet at 4:00 pm on Mondays; and at 1:30 pm on Thursdays. EVENING CLASSES meet at 6:00 pm on Monday through Thursday. We offer a NEW-STUDENT DISCOUNT the first time you register for a series of classes. Each class lasts an hour and 10 minutes and features SLOW STRETCH with BREATHING AWARENESS, plus DEEP RELAXATION practice. Please call or email us if you have questions about our schedule or the registration process.
We limit class size of Beginners Yoga and General Yoga classes to provide personalized attention for all students; please register early to reserve a space.
A NEW SESSION will meet on SUNDAYS at 1:30 - 2:30 pm, starting MARCH 12 (meeting through April 9). Learn to quiet the mind, reduce stress, and deepen resilience through mindfulness meditation practice. This practice is a way to connect with inner stillness and increase mindfulness in daily life. The introductory course is designed to help you begin to meditate regularly on your own, and it also prepares you to attend practice sessions and retreats after completing the course. Please call (859-254-9529) or email us for more information, or to register for the course.
We now offer an introductory MINDFUL AWARENESS & KINDNESS PROGRAM designed especially for school teachers. NEW SESSIONS will start in March. Choose EITHER: MONDAY nights at 7:15-8:00 pm, STARTING MARCH 13 (meets through April 24, skipping April 3); OR: WEDNESDAYS after school at 4:45-5:45 pm, STARTING MARCH 15 (meets through April 19, skipping April 5). Learn to quiet the mind, reduce stress, and deepen resilience through meditation practice. Mindfulness Meditation helps us create a Pause before we act, which enables us not to be overwhelmed and provides a way to connect instead with inner calm, creativity and patience. With this practice, we can spontaneously model mindful living for our students. Class-size is limited; please call (859-254-9529) or email us for more information, or to register for a course.
As part of our Mindful Awareness & Kindness Program, we are offering presentations on Meditation for 6th graders at Tates Creek Middle School on Feb. 21, and for 7th and 8th graders at Jessie Clark Middle School on March 3, 2017. Please contact us for information about our special programs for schools and for school teachers.
This 4-WEEK COURSE WILL START SOON. The course presents Yogic principles of well-being (along with relevant scientific research findings), in addition to easy practices designed to relax mind and body, enhance creativity, and release tension-holding patterns in daily life. Techniques include: eye-yoga, breathing awareness, gentle yoga in chairs, deep relaxation training, and guided imagery to help you reduce, recover from, and prevent stress. Class size is limited; please pre-register to reserve a space by calling us (859-254-9529) or emailing us.
Our most recent program was held on Saturday morning, May 17, 2014. For more information, please contact us at 859-254-9529.
We offer MEDITATION TRAINING FOR CHILDREN AND FAMILIES. The program presents creative ways for children to center themselves and to focus attention. Meditation practice can help children build confidence and a positive outlook. Another program we offer is: EQUINE YOGA. Learn Yoga techniques on horseback to enhance your riding experience and your relationship with your horse. Please call or email for more information.