The Yoga Meditation & Therapy Center, Lexington, KY

Mental Wellness Therapeutics, Inc. and
Yoga Meditation & Therapy Center
Shelley Smith, Founder & Director
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Yoga Classes

THE BENEFITS OF YOGA are felt by those with low energy, back pain, fibromyalgia, arthritis, asthma, and high blood pressure, as well as by those with higher levels of fitness. As a Yoga student, you will find yourself challenged to firm muscles, increase flexibility and sharpen concentration. Even for beginners, a Yogic outlook reduces anxiety and depression and can serve as a powerful tool to arrest indulgence in smoking, eating and drinking. Yoga students feel increased energy and experience greater calmness of mind. You may join a class at any point in a session if there are openings. New students receive a discount when they register for their first series of yoga classes.

To read about a topic, you may click the topic or scroll down the page:

What Style of Yoga is Offered?

Do Classes Provide Different Levels of Challenge?

If You Are a Beginner.

If You Are Continuing Your Yoga Practice.

If You Would Like to Deepen Your Practice.

Are Yoga Therapy Programs Available?

What Style of Yoga is Offered?

Hatha Yoga: Our asana (posture) classes are in the tradition of Classic Hatha Yoga. You will gradually learn slow stretch with co-ordinated breath & movement, and directed focus. Training also includes the practice of deep relaxation as well as breathing techniques for increased energy and calm.


Yes, our classes and special programs provide challenge levels for a range of students, from the beginner without any previous training to the experienced student who has been practicing for years. With the emphasis on self-awareness, growth, and non-competitiveness, you will learn to tune in to your body's signals and avoid injury or strain as you progress. Most of our classes are mixed-level; because we limit class size, the instructors can work effectively with students at different levels.


Whether you have no previous Yoga experience, or have practiced Yoga before, we encourage you to join one of our mixed-level Yoga Classes. All are welcome. You will be guided with personalized attention through step-by-step instructions for essential yoga postures, and gradually learn how to comfortably coordinate breathing with the positions, as well as learning beneficial deep relaxation practices.

Our Yoga Classes:

  • Are designed for those without any Yoga experience, as well as those who have practiced Yoga for years.
  • Introduce basic postures with instructions for focusing attention and combining breath & movement. You will also be guided through deep relaxation practice.
  • Train you to maintain calm awareness that can expand into your daily life.


  • Special Yoga Meditation Classes and Retreats are offered several times a year by Our Founder, Shelley Smith. These sessions are designed to help you challenge yourself in your practice and deepen your understanding of Yoga, Meditation, and of yourself. Ms. Smith offers bi-monthly Yoga-Vedanta classes featuring selected passages from the Bhagavad Gita. She will offer. The classes are designed for those who have completed our introductory meditation course, "Mindful Awareness & Kindness." For more information, please contact us by email or phone (see Contact Us page).

  • Exploring Yoga Meditation is an additional way to deepen your Yoga practice. We offer Meditation Classes and on-going Group Practice Sessions, as well as periodic retreats. For more information, please contact us or visit our Meditation Instruction page.

    Student Responses to Shelley's Classes:

    "Unbelievable Yoga! Stretches you mentally as well as physically. "

    "I appreciate the wonderful explanations of how the asanas affect the body molecularly, biologically, emotionally, spiritually. Learned about the mind/body connection's importance in spiritual and emotional health. "

    "Your asanas class gave me a real sense of empowerment, peace and confidence to extend myself. The meditation techniques as a follow-up to the Yoga Sutras study was very helpful in clarifying the information. Thanks again! "

    "When the bell rang at the end of the first 25-minute meditation, it surprised me because I was so involved in the meditation. In fact, during the entire retreat, the time shift was startling and pleasing because this was the first time I had sat for longer periods of meditation. "

    "When I leave Shelley Smith's retreats, I feel cleansed and renewed. My whole being feels in balance and calm. It is a wonderfully positive experience with many in-depth feelings! "

    "In Shelley Smith's retreat we were shown how what is going on in our mind can be felt in different locations of the body. Through awareness ... we are capable of working through constrictions within us, toward a sense of opening and freedom. "

  • Are Yoga Therapy Programs Available?

    Yes, we offer Yoga Therapy Programs designed especially for people with specific health concerns, and for those living with chronic illness or recovering from injury or surgery. Class format can accommodate those who need to sit in a chair or who need an especially gentle approach, or need to move more slowly than would be practical in a General class. We have worked with students with fibromyalgia, respiratory problems, hypertension, back pain, multiple sclerosis, and arthritis as well as those experiencing the effects of cancer.

    In addition to private sessions with individuals, we also offer:

  • Yoga Classes for those with Asthma and Allergies
  • Classes present methods for managing breathing difficulties and strengthening the lungs, dealing positively with stress, and learning to relax.

  • Yoga Stress Reduction Course for those with Cardiovascular Disease
  • Designed for those with heart disease (including those who are recovering from surgery), this 5-week class emphasizes the practice of deep relaxation as well as helping students develop skills that can be applied in daily life to recover from and reduce the potential impact of stress. In addition to offering this course at our Center, we also offer it at a local hospital.